The Brothers - New Year's Eve 2001/2002

The Brothers: Gib Guilbeau - Wayne Moore - Darrell Cotton (without Ernie Williams)
and John Ciccarelli on drums (he played drums for the "Premieres Rock Band" many years ago)
live in Rancho Cordova/California at the "Rancho Cordova Moose Lodge".


The Brothers

Gib Guilbeau, Darrell Cotton & Wayne Moore


The Brothers

Gib Guilbeau, Darrell Cotton & Wayne Moore


Darrell & Wayne

Darrell Cotton & Wayne Moore


Gib Guilbeau

Gib Guilbeau


Darrell Cotton

Darrell Cotton


The Brothers

Gib Guilbeau, Darrell Cotton & Wayne Moore


Darrell Cotton

John Ciccarelli, Darrell Cotton, Ann Guilbeau, Gib Guilbeau & Wayne Moore



Darrell Cotton

Gene Humphrey playing dinner music before the group started

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